We acknowledge how folks are feeling right now... and as always, our response is to reach for each other. We resist fear, confusion, and isolation by instead protecting each other, sharing information, staying connected, and practicing collective care and joy even when it’s hard.
At the Southern Movement Assembly last month, we doubled down on a plan to protect our communities and build infrastructure through hard times across the South, including right here in coastal Louisiana. And as a group of organizers on the ground in rural, Black, Indigenous, youth, Muslim, worker, and trans and queer communities, we anticipate different levels of intimidation, misinformation, and crisis in the coming weeks. Regardless of the outcome of the elections, we know we will need each other.
✅ Join the State of the South call this Wednesday 10/30 (bit.ly/StateOfTheSouthSeries)
✅ Sign on to Get Ready with us! (bit.ly/getreadytaskforce)
✅ And stay ready for the long haul!
At the State of the South call, we’ll discuss what we’re seeing across the South, what our plan is for the rest of this year and 2025, and ways you can plug in or get support with what you’re seeing, too. This call also introduces the Get Ready Task Force, a short-term plan (with long-term impacts) to share resources, support on-the-ground organizing, communicate useful political analysis, and coordinate efforts across the region. As Imagine Water Works, we are helping to lead the Community Readiness Team and Action Labs, where we’ll share what threats folks are seeing and will skill each other up accordingly. We invite organizations, community groups, and worker assemblies to join or collaborate with the Get Ready Taskforce to support existing infrastructure to protect, defend, and organize our communities towards a liberated future.
@southernpeoplespower @projectsouthatl @spirithouse_inc @ncbloc @highlandercenter @blknshassembly @freeheartsorg @ignitekindred stayproject @peoplesbudgetbhm @alternateroots @powhrcoalition @lrfreedomfund