The guide has been compiled with the intention of increasing public access to services that are free or low-cost in the New Orleans area. Most listings are for services located in Orleans & Jefferson parishes, although select state and nationwide services have also been included.
Listed resources were contacted by phone and asked to verify the information listed. Organizations were specifically and intentionally asked about funding options for uninsured patients, the availability of Spanish translation services, and their ability to provide services for transgender and non-binary patients. Available transgender and non-binary services have been incorporated throughout and can also be found in a dedicated section of this guide.
In the interest of maintaining a portable size for this guide, many listings direct folks to call for more information, or refer to an organization’s website.
This guide is a 2023 update based on information compiled by staff and volunteers for the REACH NOLA/Common Ground Health Clinic Community Resource Guide from 2006-14, and working directly from the 2022 edition, which sourced information compiled by volunteers at the Center for Ethical Living & Social Justice Renewal, as well as the Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming NOLA Resource Guide produced by Dr. Jennifer Glick and Dr. Robin Ivester.
This edition has been produced entirely by volunteers, in partnership with Imagine Water Works. It has been produced as a public service by volunteer community members and is available free of charge to all people.
Download a free copy for printing here.
This version saves paper and can be folded into a booklet. We encourage people and organizations to print your own copies as needed.
Copies should remain unedited. Please do not add logos or remove the front page, credit pages, resource pages, or ISBN#.
Purchase a copy with delivery.
This version is more durable, professionally bound, and shipped directly to you. Because we use a service for this, they do require you to cover the printing and shipping fees.
IWW does not accept any funds or make any profit off of these purchases. This is simply to provide another option for those who prefer to purchase this version of the guide and/or those who can’t arrange for free local pickup, make it to any of our events, or print their own copies.

Many people did the work of making this edition of the resource guide possible!
Thanks are due to the Endowment Fund of Community Church Unitarian Universalist for funding the printing of the first 1,000 copies, to the Re/Pro Community Photocopier project for making the photocopying experience affordable and beautiful, to the St. Roch Metal Works Library for housing Re/Pro so hospitably, to Antigravity and Imagine Water Works for digital distribution, and to many New Orleanians committed to community care and harm reduction, including but not limited to: Clark Bucko, Tucker Barker, Klie Kliebert, Déja Jones, Monica Gunderson, Elizabeth Gelvin, April Martin, Erika Zucker and Madison Leishman & the Workplace Justice Project, Jeanne Barnard, Anne van Schooneveld, Walesa Kanarek, Eliza Carey, Robin Goldblum, Nathalie Faulk, Patrick Kemmerly, Angelique Thomas, Ida Aronson, Bonnie Porter, Alex Jaouiche, Eva Kalikoff, and even more lovely folks who wish to remain anonymous, and probably you.
Finally, love and appreciation to Harriet Burbeck for the cover art. Beauty matters!
Contact us with questions, additions, requests, and offers to volunteer or collaborate:
Coleen Murphy, coordinating organizer, at NOLAresourceguide@gmail.com