Here are the latest news stories in local and national water policy for March. Check out our new sections WATER FUNDING + FINANCE NEWS and Q&A.
Join us next Wednesday for PitchNOLA Water Challenge presented by the Greater New Orleans Foundation! Tickets are free to hear six water and coastal entrepreneurs pitch for $10,000. Don’t miss it!
In The News
Louisiana flood victims ‘re-victimized by bureaucracy’; federal shutdown delays work on SBA issue
The Advocate
Homeowners impacted by the 2016 floods and state officials continue to wait on new legal guidance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on whether loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration will count against Restore Louisiana recovery grants. While Congress did pass a law that SBA loans could not be considered duplication of benefits, an official ruling is needed; however, the 35 day shutdown of the federal government has further delayed the ruling on whether the SBA loans would be deducted from grant awards. The state has set aside $225 million for homeowner assistance should the reading of the federal law allow distribution of money to SBA loan holders.
Denied loan forgiveness, Louisiana officials ask for break on interest cost for levee system
The Advocate
State officials are asking the Trump administration to forgive nearly $2 billion in interest on the $1.1 billion owed for the New Orleans area levee system construction post-Katrina. Citing delays in the Corps handing over of the system, which added to the interest, and design flaws in the system, Louisiana officials are pushing to have the state’s costs reduced.
New Study: What Prevents People from Accessing Urban Bluespaces?
Science Direct
A new study examines the accessibility of bluespaces, focusing on the influence of spatial characteristics and how unguarded water and historic negative narratives limit the use of urban waterways. The study presents considerations for perceptions of risk and how designers and managers of urban bluespaces can better encourage use.
Project to raise homes, move families in Southwest Louisiana moves forward
A study examining which homes in Southwest Louisiana (Calcasieu, Cameron, and Vermilion Parishes) will qualify for voluntary relocation or elevation is the first non-structural project within the state’s coastal master plan to receive funding.
More Water Headlines
- How Federal Disaster Money Favors the Rich
- Cantrell asks state for ‘immediate $75 million influx of cash’ for New Orleans infrastructure
- 14-year Taylor Energy oil leak could prove larger than BP spill, new research says
- Tough choices ahead for Louisiana’s struggling water systems
- Sewerage & Water Board drainage system risks running out of cash by year’s end
- White House to handpick scientists to reassess government climate findings
- Fight against wetland pest gets $1 million boost from Congress
- Louisiana online map shows where not to eat the fish or swim
Water Funding & Finance
- Arts Residency: A Studio in the Woods is accepting applications for its Adaptations Residencies. Due April 22, 2019. More information.
- Funding: Gulf Research Program, Fostering Innovation to Improve Understanding and Prediction of the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current System. Due June 5, 2019. More information.
- Funding: National Geographic’s Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge. Due June 11, 2019. More information.
Water Events
- Next Wednesday, April 3rd, 6:30–8:30pm – Propeller’s PitchNOLA Water Challenge presented by the Greater New Orleans Foundation. The event will award $10,000 for entrepreneurs working to ensure equitable protection and participation of every New Orleanian in coastal restoration, urban stormwater management, resilience and adaptation. RSVP.
Do you have water management policy and program questions for Propeller or Water Works? Let us know, and we’ll run them in upcoming newsletters. Email Allison or Miriam.
WaterMark is a monthly briefing on water programs and policies in Louisiana, brought to you by Propeller and Water Works.